---------- Message transféré ----------
De :
Olga Ravane! <
Date : 22 décembre 2012 16:19
Objet : Changement de domicil
À : ACC France Antilles <
>, Adela <
>, Adjoint a la culture Carbet <
>, Adrien Pinson <
>, "
" <
>, "
" <
>, Agathe de Drouas <
>, Agrupación Sirkoshino <
>, ainara lafraya sanchez <
>, "al1.descotes" <
>, Alain ANNETTE <
>, Alain Avion <
>, Alain Guigue <
>, Alain Liedts <
>, Alain NASSIET <
>, "
" <
>, Aldo Espinoza <
>, "
" <
>, "
" <
>, "
" <
>, Alejandro y Patricia <
>, Alex Luccin <
>, Alex Payet <
>, Alexandre philippe <
>, Alfredo Curilaf <
>, Alice production <
>, Alison Pradine <
>, "
" <
>, Alvaro Matamala <
>, Amadou Lamine Ba <
>, "
" <
>, amelie pierzyna <
>, "
" <
>, "
" <
>, "
" <
>, anaelle molinario <
>, Andrea Zamorano <
>, andres ernesto Perez Ramirez <
>, Andrés Garibay <
>, Andres Pino <
>, Angelo Pacifico <
>, Anitha Toloza <
>, Anonymous Brothers <
>, ANPE Spectacle FDF <
>, Anto Borquez Pinto <
>, Anto Nino <
>, Antonio Lambertini <
>, "
" <
>, "
" <
>, Apologie <
>, Ariel Castelli <
>, Art Within Art <
>, "
" <
>, Arturo Antequera <
>, "
" <
>, ASPEC <
>, Atassé AMETOWOGLO <
>, Atawalpa Coello <
>, Atoucirque Usine des Planches <
>, Atrium <
>, Aude et LolO <
>, Aurélien CHARLIER <
>, Babu Velasquez <
>, "
" <
>, Bazar de las Brujas <
>, bboy4life <
>, Beatrice Baille <
>, Beatrice Delzangles <
>, Beatrice Delzangles <
>, Beatriz Mayorga <
>, belinda S <
>, Ben Simasek <
>, "
" <
>, benjamin poulain <
>, bernard bonnet <
>, betta meri <
>, "
" <
>, BK Cie Berlin <
>, "
" <
>, "
" <
>, Botas Para Circo <
>, boueb <
>, Brahim <
>, Bri Cat <
>, brother Cap <
>, Bruno Mariette 3 Ilets <
>, "
" <
>, "
" <
>, "
" <
>, Camila Paiva <
>, Candy Sambin <
>, "
" <
>, Carlo <
>, Carlos Gaminao <
>, Caro Lilmami <
>, carole gene <
>, Carole Risler <
>, Caroline Delarousse <
>, Caroline Deschaumes <
>, Carolune <
>, Casa Caracol <
>, Casa Hunab-ku San Roque <
>, "
" <
>, "
" <
>, Cé k-ravane <
>, "
" <
>, "
" <
>, Celeste Muhet <
>, Celicia Narr <
>, Céline G <
>, Celine Mansour <
>, César Bórquez <
>, "
" <
>, chambre des commenrcants <
>, Chanflor <
>, Chapirouette <
>, Charlotte Guerlotté <
>, Charlotte Roux <
>, Charly Gaminao <
>, "
" <
>, "
" <
>, "
" <
>, "
" <
>, Christoph Musik <
>, christophe Chopin <
>, Christophe Mert Peintre recup' <
>, Chrystelle Magot <
>, Chtou <
>, Cie aKoor <
>, Cie Du Bout Des Doigts <
>, Cie Malabar <
>, Circo de Duendes <
>, Circo Gran Fele <
>, Circo Ukelele <
>, CircoClown Compañia <
>, CircoSocial Mison <
>, "
" <
>, "
" <
>, "
" <
>, Claudia Mondaca <
>, Claudio Jose <
>, "
" <
>, "
" <
>, "
" <
>, Clement Gary <
>, "
" <
>, "
" <
>, "
" <
>, "
" <
>, Compañía de Paso <
>, "
" <
>, "
" <
>, "
" <
>, "
" <
>, "
" <
>, "
" <
>, "
" <
>, Corinne Thomas <
>, "
" <
>, CP23 <
>, "
" <
>, "
" <
>, "
" <
>, "
" <
>, "
" <
>, Cristian Elorza <
>, Cristian Fuenzalida <
>, Cristian Lara <
>, Cristian Sanchez <
>, Croisiere Bleue <
>, "
" <
>, "
" <
>, "
" <
>, "
" <
>, Cylou FaYa <
>, Cyril Verdelet <
>, "
" <
>, "
" <
>, Dadou Tou Cour <
>, Dale McCombs <
>, Dalit Tarannum Tamerlan Sylla <
>, Damian Gonzalez <
>, dancure <
>, Daniela Clandestino <
>, Daniela Vega <
>, Danilo Diaz <
>, David Gayton <
>, david chaulet gmail <
>, David Bourbonnaud <
>, David Alejandro <
>, Danza Aerea <
>, David Valpo <
>, "
" <
>, "
" <
>, "
" <
>, Denis K <
>, Détournoyment <
>, Détournoyment <
>, "
" <
>, didier loquin <
>, Diego Aravena C <
>, "
" <
>, "
" <
>, dje Valtho <
>, "
" <
>, "
" <
>, "
" <
>, "
" <
>, "
" <
>, Don Simon <
>, Donyet Ardit <
>, Doun <
>, "
" <
>, "
" <
>, "
" <
>, Ecole Elementaire St Pierre A <
>, Ecole mixte B St Pierre <
>, EcoledeCirque DeBruxelles <
>, Ecos Artes <
>, "
" <
>, "
" <
>, Eduardo Baras <
>, "
" <
>, Ektor Martinez Lizama <
>, Elga Robebar <
>, "
" <
>, elise lantz <
>, Elizabeth Pasten <
>, Elizabetha Gabriel <
>, "
" <
>, Elodie Jan <
>, "
" <
>, Emilian Mot <
>, "
" <
>, "
" <
>, Eric Herdalot <
>, Eric Rico <
>, "
" <
>, "
" <
>, Espace Jardiner ses Possibles <
>, Esquina Circo-Yoga <
>, "
" <
>, Etienne Raingeard <
>, eurodesk <
>, "
" <
>, "
" <
>, "
" <
>, Fabrice Theodose <
>, "
" <
>, Falko Toutcourt <
>, FalkOoOo <
>, "
" <
>, "
" <
>, "
" <
>, Felipe Aguila de Wayra <
>, Felipe Bozo <
>, Fernando Vasconcellos-Coatl <
>, festival Kikloche <
>, "
" <
>, Fito Girolami <
>, "
" <
>, Flic Ste Luce <
>, Florence Conrié <
>, Florence Edmond Bijoux design <
>, "
" <
>, Florencia Rivero <
>, Foodcircus <
>, "
" <
>, Francisco Cerda <
>, Franck Halimi <
>, françois bourdon <
>, Francois Pelletier <
>, François Saivet <
>, François Saivet <
>, françois-xavier quinio <
>, "
" <
>, "
" <
>, Fred R ron brown lee <
>, Frédéric Bontemps <
>, "
" <
>, Fredy Luna <
>, Frizouille <
>, "
" <
>, "
" <
>, "Fushia.biz" <
>, Gael Sète <
>, gaga dilo <
>, gamou diarra <
>, Garance VENNAT <
>, "
" <
>, "
" <
>, Gerard Drum <
>, Gérard Lefort <
>, "
" <
>, Gilbert encordage art Biron <
>, "
" <
>, Gilles Charrot <
>, Ginkgoa <
>, Giro Alejandro <
>, "
" <
>, "Go ." <
>, "
" <
>, Gonzalo Halley Garcés Catalán <
>, Gorky Jongleur <
>, Gregory Gardon <
>, "
" <
>, "
" <
>, Grupo Ambiental <
>, Grupo Mandala de Chile <
>, guillaume cros <
>, Guillaume De Drouas <
>, Guillaume Obe <
>, Guillemette de Drouas <
>, guinotaurore <
>, gwada'circus <
>, habdaphaï <
>, Habdaphai Alerte <
>, "
" <
>, "
" <
>, HaĐrien Stifler <
>, Hamid Elafiti <
>, Hans Ugas <
>, "
" <
>, Hartos de Arte <
>, "
" <
>, "
" <
>, "
" <
>, "
" <
>, Henry Hervé Artisant rasta martinique <
>, hervé bazin <
>, Hervé Lucenay ECG Martinique <
>, "
" <
>, "
" <
>, Hisseo77eric <
>, Hugo Palma <
>, "
" <
>, "
" <
>, "
" <
>, "
" <
>, "
" <
>, "
" <
>, "
" <
>, Ingrin de Folie <
>, "
" <
>, "
" <
>, Isabelle Nassiet <
>, Iyahdi Curtis <
>, J M Coubart <
>, j-Marc Nassiet <
>, "J.Marc Nassiet" <
>, "
" <
>, Jacques Pilon <
>, Jacques Travail <
>, "
" <
>, Jaime Matus <
>, jaisingh rathore <
>, james bond <
>, james brown <
>, "
" <
>, "
" <
>, "
" <
>, "
" <
>, Javier Gonzales <
>, "
" <
>, "
" <
>, jean fred Lille <
>, Jean-Hugues pasdeloup <
>, jean-marc et janine <
>, Jean-Philippe Mignot <
>, "
" <
>, Jeannine Lafontaine <
>, jef Gaillard <
>, "
" <
>, "jm.courthezon_marseillan" <
>, Jocelyne Leflaive Sculptures vegetales <
>, "
" <
>, "
" <
>, Jorge Tobar <
>, jose Galvan <
>, Jose Miguel Maldonado Venegas <
>, "
" <
>, Joseph Olivier Myriam Artisants Mart/Gwada <
>, "
" <
>, Juan DEL Yoyoing <
>, "
" <
>, Juin Robert <
>, "
" <
>, Juli Delvarre <
>, julien ponama <
>, "
" <
>, "
" <
>, "
" <
>, "
" <
>, Kali Adam <
>, kameleonite cie <
>, "
" <
>, Karole Gizolme <
>, Kashif Amin <
>, Kate Matthews <
>, "
" <
>, Kelly A Secas <
>, Kelly Terrine Jeune Peintre Madinina <
>, "
" <
>, Keveen Gabet <
>, kezak <
>, Kidam <
>, "
" <
>, "
" <
>, "
" <
>, L'Usine <
>, la grainerie <
>, La Instalacción <
>, La Lenterne <
>, "
" <
>, "
" <
>, "
" <
>, "laloupiote bateau spect." <
>, "
" <
>, "
" <
>, "
" <
>, LARCHER Lena <
>, "
" <
>, Laura Decrock <
>, "
" <
>, "
" <
>, "
" <
>, Laurent Le Nay <
>, "
" <
>, "
" <
>, "
" <
>, "
" <
>, LelabOratOire <
>, Leonardo Carmona <
>, "
" <
>, "
" <
>, Les Ateliers Educatifs et Pédagogiques Association <
>, Les Nazes ADN <
>, les tetes de vainqueurs <
>, "
" <
>, "
" <
>, "
" <
>, "
" <
>, "
" <
>, "
" <
>, Liste rue T Decoq <
>, "
" <
>, Loco Jacquouille <
>, Lorène Soudier <
>, louragini annabelle <
>, "
" <
>, LUC xerri <
>, "
" <
>, "
" <
>, luiigi rivas lagos <
>, "
" <
>, "
" <
>, "
" <
Bonjour à tous!
C'est un nouveau commencement qui arrive et avec lui de grands changements. Olga n'y échappera pas!
Je mène le projet a bout de bras depuis le début mais outre les trahisons et ramasseurs de miettes, je suis victime de sérieux problèmes de santé qui doivent être soignés sérieusement.
Malheureusement il semble que la Martinique manque de sérieux justement en terme de guérison et la douleur devenant insupportable voir invivable, j'ai décidé d'aller me faire opérer en Nouvelle Calédonie où des médecins m'attendent déjà pour m'opérer en urgence.
Je pars donc à la fin du mois la bas. Pour l'instant la suite m'est impossible à envisager, la fin de la douleur étant ma principale priorité...
Je continue de vous tenir au courant par ce biais et ne lache pas le projet pour autant.
A bientôt donc,
Que vos fetes soient joyeuses et pleines d'amour!
Cé pour Olga Ravane!
Hi all!
New beginnings are coming and with them lot of changes, for Olga too!
You know i'm creating the project since the start but, more than treasons and robbers, i have big troubles of health which have to be well-kept seriously. Unfortunately it seems in Martinique they don't take it seriously and i can't stand no more the pain so i decided to go to New Caledonia where some doctors are waiting for me to operate me in emergency.
So i live at the end of the month. For the moment i can't imagine what else because of the pain but i don't let the project down.
I promess to inform you of what happen.
See you soon so,
Hope you all so beautifull, lovely and happy xmas and new year!
Cé for Olga Ravane!
Hola todos!
Nuevos principios llegan ahora y con ellos nuevos cambios, Olga no se lo pierde!
He creado el proyecto desde su principio y mas que los traidores y los abusadores, tengo grandes problemas de salud y hay que tratarlo con serio. Lamentablemente parece que en Martinique no están bastante serios y no puedo mas soportar el dolor, entonces decidí irme a Nueva Caledonia donde médicos me esperan para operarme en emergencia.
Me voy al fin del mez. Por el momento no alcanzo a imaginar lo que va a pasar porque el dolor me impide verlo pero no dejo el proyecto.
Les prometo que les informo de lo que pasa.
Estamos al habla entonces.
Les deceo buenas fiestas con mucho amor y salud,
Cé para Olga Ravane!
Association Olga Ravane!
Courriel :
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Gsm : +596 (0)6 96 60 23
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