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[rue] espectacle du cirque ³karoli, l´homme roue

Chronologique Discussions 
  • From: Karoli < >
  • To: < >
  • Subject: [rue] espectacle du cirque ³karoli, l´homme roue
  • Date: Sat, 17 Aug 2013 13:20:35 +0200

Dear  friends,
We have the pleasure to introduce  .......


“karoli, the  Wheel Man

The  “Karoli the Wheel Man” show of the personal formula, ingeniously combining  the ability of juggling and unicycling, they offer a cocktail full of fun,  entertainment and action. Using humour as the key, the two characters are  always looking for the reaction and participation of the audience ,  joining different sketches with an " in crescendo " rhythm , where ability  and professionality both surprise and enchant.
Their  spectacular exercises , combination of contraptions and their presentation  , give an extremely visual show , with a universal language , that is  suitable for audiences of all ages.
Their shows can be  performed equally well in the open-air , theatre , be it day or night ,  under canvas or cabaret . No matter where or when , a show is  assured.
Please don't hesitate in contacting us for more  information.
Looking forward to hearing from  you,
King regards,

Performance in : España, France ,Suiza ,Canada ,Japo, Marroc ,China ,Suiza, Brasil ,Holanda, Grecia,Belgica ,Hungria Venezuela,Tailandia ,Portugal, Gran Bretaña ,Alemania, Italia, Israel ,Palestina , Dinamarca.


           FRANCES  Karoli, l´homme roue 
           Un personnage incroyable,
           Le Professeur Karoli se désplace à l´aide d´une roue à moteur,et vous présente les engins les plus sophistiqués qu´il soit: Monocycle à 
           pieds,bicyclettes naines de 10,20      et 30 cm , 
           Il vous enseignera sa passion pour les roues et vous laissera abassourdi par ses invetions délirantes.
           Un espectacle visuel adapté à tous les âges !

INGLES  “karoli, the Wheel Man “ 

An incombustible character.
Professor Karoli travels around inside his motor driven single wheel, combining his wit and talent  with a variety of stunt  wheels, tall unicycles that have legs and feet, miniature bikes that are only 30, 20 and 10cm Karoli demonstrates his passion for wheels with this daring show.
A visual family show suitable for all ages.

Karoli Professor is a jock-of-all-trades.  He travels around the World bringing his art to he people..Circus artist, entertainer, monocyclist, juggler…. All acts heve been interlarded with hte necessary amount of humor.He takes his public  on a journey in a sparkling show with circus artlike tours-de-force. 

VASCO  “ Karoli el hombre Rueda “
bezala aurkezten da autodidakta eta zirko bildumazalea. Pertsonai erregaitza. Karoli gurpil haundi baten barrutik mugitzen da, txrirrindula berezi horren motorea “mono rueda “ edo gurpil  bakar batek osatzen du. Tresneria bereziak elkartzen asmakizun xelebreak erakutsiko dizkio Karalik publikoari,besteak beste,hankak dituren gurpil bakarreko bizikleta eta hamar, hogei edota hogeita hamar zentimetrotako bizikleta txikiak. Gurpilekiko duen pasioa erakutsiaz eta azala lurren utziz, Professor Karoli-k Azokan aurkezten duen ikuskizuna oso bisuala da, familiako.

 ITALIANO  “ Karoli L´uomo –ruota”.
Un personaggio “inconbustibile”, così si definisce il “Professor Karoli “, L´uomo –ruota”. Egli si posiziona all´interno di una ruota a motore, e mescolando ingegno e destrezza, incanta il publico mostrando línvenzione di un nuevo gioiello della meccanica absolutamente inutile. Con i suoi monocicli dalle strutture impossibili , le bici name di 30,20 e 10 cm i veicoli e padali e altri alambicchi, Karoli dimostrara la sua passione per le ruote, rischiando la pelle sull´asfalto.

 CATALAN  “ Karoli L´home roda” 
Un personatge incombustible, El Professor Karoli, es desplaça dins d’una sola roda amb motor. Combinant enginy amb la presentació d’artilugis amb rodes, monocicles alts amb cames, bicis nanes  de 10, 20 i 30 cms, Karoli demostrarà la seva passió per les rodes fent el mes difícil, com no!, sobre rodes. 
Un espectacle  visual apte per a tots públics.

CASTELLANO “  Karoli El hombre rueda”
Un personaje incombustible, el Professor Karoli, hombre rueda, se desplaza dentro de una rueda con motor “mono rueda”, combinando ingeniosidad e artilugios: monociclos con piernas, bicis enanas  de 10, 20 y 30cm, demostrando su pasión por las ruedas y dejándose la piel en el asfalto.
Un espectáculo visual apto para todos los públicos.

PORTUGES  “ Karoli El hombre roda
hombre roda Un personagem à prova de fogo , o Professar Karoli hombre roda , ele mesmo ela sobe dentro um roda com motor “mono roda , combinação engenho afinco engenhoca : monociclos com perna bicis anã de 10, 20 e 30cm. de seus movimentos, a combinaçao dos exercícios em cena e sua maneira de apresentá-los dao como resultado um espectáculo visual, apto para todos os públicos e com uma linguagem universal.

B ÷H  Karoli spekatkel karoli, the Wheel Man 
Karoli is een multitalent, Hij Jongleert is komediant en bedenker van het magische duo 
“Boni & Caroli”
Professor Karoli rijdt op zijn eenwieler de wereld rond.Zijn shows zijn vol hunor en spekatkel.Deze waaghals laat zijn kunsten zien zonder enige vrees in zijn motorgestuurde rijwiel!
Zijn optreden is voor jong en oud gegarandeerd enn onvergetelijke ervaring!Professor Karoli is van alle markten thuis. Hij reist de wereld rond terwijl hij overal sijn kunten aan man brengt. Circusartiest, entertainer, monocyclist, jongleur…., alle acts zijn doorspekt met de nodige dosis humor.Hij neent zijn publiek mee in een wervelende show met hoogtandjes van cirskunsten .

  • [rue] espectacle du cirque ³karoli, l´homme roue, Karoli, 17/08/2013

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