De: Xarxa Teatre [mailto:
] Bonjour à tous.. J’ai reçu ce message la semaine dernière mais je n’arrive pas à savoir exactement ce que c’est.. quelqu’un a déjà entendu parlé de ce festival? Merci de votre aide Flor De: International Relations [mailto:
] Respected Sir/Ma'am, Manthan is an international nonprofit annual street theatre festival which aims to spread social awareness through the medium of street theatre. Manthan’19 will be held in February-March 2019 and will feature performances by international theatre groups. The performing teams are free to choose the date on which they want to perform at a prime location in their own city, catering any social issue they wish too. In previous years Manthan has left a mark in 13 countries - Canada - UBC, Vancouver Bangladesh - Bhola Nepal - Kathmandu Nigeria - Kaduna Czech Republic - Prague Zambia - Lusaka Kenya - Kiambu Argentina - Buenos Aires Afghanistan – Kandhar Panama - Los Santos Brazil - Bèlem India - 51 cities spread across 24 states Viewership:- Direct - 4,00,000 Indirect - 15,00,000 Manthan provides all performing teams with an opportunity to be part of a huge community of artists and also a chance to give back to the society by the means of art. It also provides certification for performing in an International Street Play Festival along with International media coverage. Manthan is organised by Verve - Street Theatre Society of Shaheed Sukhdev College of Business Studies, University of Delhi. Verve is one of the most recognised team in the country. The proposal for the event has been attached with this mail. Contact us: |Bhoomi yadav : +91 9319352010| |Sanya goel : +91 88822 12131| --
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